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The time I spoke to congressional leaders on an elevator.

Oh, this? Yeah, these are just some papers I have been working on and hoping to publish. Enough about that. It has been hard, but I could get funding to even conduct this research. Human evolution is a very multi-disciplined field, and a lot goes into it. Understand the bones, fossils, genetic makeup, behavior, or even the culture of humans that lived millions of years ago or even just a mere thousand. Why? Why is it important that we learn about how we evolved? We can learn more about ourselves and what we have done in the past which can create a better future. Human evolution has great potential to teach people why things are the way they are and why we are here and even questions like why we can walk the way we do, but chimpanzees cannot. Or even why can a human and chimp breed, even though you heard from a source they have similar genetic makeup. Some of these questions are answered, but only with the information that is out. Their answers can be further elaborated as we find more

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